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Carl William Brown  He was born in 1960 and, after a childhood he defined as "a little neurotic" he devoted himself to study. He fulfilled his military service in 1982 and studied languages at Cattolica University before transferring to the University of Bergamo. He attended other institutions before receiving a degree in languages. From 1990 to 1994, he taught and did research. In 1993, he began to write aphorisms and essays. Towards the end of 1997, he launched a variety of initiatives on the Internet; he published the "Manifesto of the New Facetious and Nihilistic Surrealism", while continuing to cultivate his passion for aphorisms.

co the con nguoi chua 80% nuoc chinh vi vay ma neu bi o nhiem thi chang co gi la ngac nhien ca
Mot so nha khoa hoc lam viec de lap day bo nao con nguoi trong khi do mot so khac thi lam no tro nen trong rong. Hien nhien la loai nguoi thu hai chiem dai da so.
nhung ke xau ton tai vi co nhung nguoi tot; neu loai tru nhung nguoi tot di thi dan dan nhung ke xau cung tu bien mat